Getting/Renewing your Passport

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Trips to other countries require a passport, while rules differ from country to country the best practice is to have a passport with an expiration date at least 6 months past your travel date.

Applying for a Passport

 First time applicants or Applicants whose Passport is already expired

You should begin here, the State Department site with the most up to date requirements and direction for the passport application process.

While the passport office has greatly increased their turnaround in the last 2 years people are still reporting wait times exceeding 2 months, so it is best to apply for your passport as soon as you book your trip. Please note that passport issues are not a valid reason for a refund from Destify nor most insurance providers.

Renewing a Passport

Guests with a passport that is still active but due to expire within 1 year or who are completeing a name change.

You should begin here, the State Department site with the most up to date requirements and direction for the passport application process. 

Renewing your passport requires you to mail your exisiting passport back to the State Department while your new passport processes, you will receive both back with your old passport marked for ineligability of future use.

The State Department is piloting an online renewal process that does not require you to mail back your current passport and this can be accessed here. Please note they are only taking a small number of applicants here a month so you may need to check again the next month if there is not availibility at this time. 

For further details is is best to contact your local passport office. 

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